October 18, 2011

Cairns Real Estate Market Month in Review

Summary by Herron Todd White valuers in Cairns - September 2011.

The Cairns residential property market is still at the bottom of the property cycle and it is still very much a buyer’s market. Property demand from investors and first home buyers remains at a low level and the market for low-end housing is slow. Demand for better quality houses and units in good locations remains solid, largely sustained on the basis of the trade up buyer segment.

There are two types of trade up buyer - existing locals trading up (or down or sideways) in response to changing circumstances and/or preferences, and people relocating to Cairns.

People relocating to Cairns tend to fall into two classes - the lifestyle and the economic migrants. With the slowdown in the Cairns economy, the economic migration component, consisting largely of young singles or young couples or young families moving to Cairns for employment reasons, has diminished. However Cairns still appears to be attracting its fair share of lifestyle migrants, albeit at a slower rate than before. This segment consists typically of the pre-retirement empty nester demographic, looking for a nice place to live but with opportunities for full or part time work if required. Indeed, cashed up lifestyle migrants who have sold up in Sydney or Melbourne to move to Cairns are like gold in the current market environment.

Lifestyle migrants are demanding a variety of accommodation styles, some buying up big as if expecting to be constantly descended upon by the friends and relatives they have left behind, while others are seeking well located unit accommodation with good amenities. The northern beaches are often a preferred destination.

Locals are also active in the trade up market, but the catch with this segment is selling their existing home. We often hear of sales that fall through because buyers are unable to sell their existing house in the presently slow market environment.

Peter Musso - Ray White Cairns Beaches -Real estate agent selling in Trinity Beach, Kewarra Beach, Clifton Beach, Palm Cove, Trinity Park, Smithfield, Yorkeys Knob, Holloways Beach, Machans Beach

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